Alessandra Panaro

Alessandra Panaro ( born December 14, 1939 in Rome) is an Italian actress.


Panaro began her film career in 1954 (Mino Rolis Il barcaiole di Amalfi) and then turned as youthful love interest, a considerable number of romantic comedies - including Poveri ma belli and Belle ma povere as the greatest successes; their most substantive role was probably in Luchino Visconti Rocco and His Brothers. With the beginning of the heyday of the genre film the early 1960s and she received roles in each case what is in vogue divisions, some times under the pseudonym of Topsy Collins. In 1965 she finished ( with the exception of a film from 1976 ) her career in the film industry.

Together with Lorella De Luca, she hosted the TV show Il Musichiere.

With the actor Giancarlo Sbragia she was married to his second wife.

Filmography (selection)

Pictures of Alessandra Panaro
