Alessandria della Rocca

Alessandria della Rocca is a city in the province of Agrigento in the Italian region Sicily.

Location and data

Alessandria della Rocca is 53 km north of Agrigento on the Monti Sicani. Here live 3082 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012), mainly in agriculture (cereals, fruit) work.

The neighboring municipalities are Bivona, Cianciana, San Biagio Platani, Sant'Angelo Muxaro and Santo Stefano Quisquina.


Alessandria della Rocca was founded in 1570 by Blasco Barresi. Until 1862 the town was named Alessandria della Pietra. The name comes from the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Rocca, which was built in the 17th century.


The city has a regular and rectangular expansion. The sights include the 17th-century parish church, dedicated to Santa Maria del Pilar, and the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Rocca in the south of the village. At the site of the sanctuary is, according to tradition in the 17th century, a statue of the Virgin was found.
