Alexander Khatisian

Alexander Chatissjan (Armenian Ալեքսանդր Խատիսյան, born February 17, 1874 in Tbilisi, Russian Empire, today Georgia, † March 10, 1945 in Paris, France) was an Armenian journalist and politician of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.


Alexander was Chatissjan 1910-1917 Mayor of Tbilisi. In the summer of 1914, Count Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov - Dashkov consulted with Chatissjan, the primacy of Tbilisi, Bishop Mesrop, and the famous civil leader Dr. Hakob Sawriew establishing the Armenian volunteer units. 1917 Chatissjan served as mayor of Alexandropol.

During the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia, he was a member of the Armenian National Council of Tiflis in the All- Armenian National Council and later the Permanent Executive Committee, elected by the Armenian Congress of Eastern Armenia. After the proclamation of the Democratic Republic of Armenia, he served from June 30 to November 4, 1918 as Foreign Minister and signed the Treaty of Batumi with the Ottoman Empire. On 13 December 1918 he was appointed Minister of Welfare, which he remained until February 7, 1919. From 26 January 1919, he was also Minister of the Interior until April 27, 1919. He was elected on 28 May 1919 Prime Minister, a position he held until May 5, 1920. At the same time he held on 27 April 1919 to 5 May 1920, the Minister of Foreign Affairs from.

Pictures of Alexander Khatisian
