Alexander Laszlo (composer)

Alexander László ( born November 22, 1895 in Budapest, † November 17, 1970 in Los Angeles, California ) was a Hungarian- American pianist, composer and inventor. He was born under the name Sandor ( " San " ) Totis, but used the name Alexander László as a composer and music publisher.

László studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music and began his career in 1915 as a pianist in the Blüthner Orchestra in Berlin. In the 1920s, he gave piano concerts in Germany and other European countries. He was professor of film music in Berlin. In 1925 he wrote the seminal work " The color of light music," which was published by Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig. Laszlo used in his concerts a color organ, which he developed himself.

In the late 1930s he moved to the United States and work in Chicago as a music professor at IIT Institute of Design. In the 1940s he was music director of the NBC radio.

In the late 1940s and in the 1950s he wrote the music for several films and television series such as Rocky Jones, Space Ranger, The Amazing Mr. X, The Great Flamarion, My Little Margie and In U -17 the hell is going on. He founded a publishing house under the name " Alexander Publications" in order to generate revenue from licenses.
