Alexander Roslin

Alexander Roslin ( born July 15, 1718, Malmö, † July 5, 1793 in Paris) was a Swedish painter, the middle of the 18th century became the Modeporträtisten the European aristocracy.

Life and work

His first contract was awarded by the Roslin officer Lars honor Bill in Karlskrona, where Roslin's father was a doctor of the Admiralty. 1736 he went to Stockholm and trained by Georg Engelhard Schröder painter. After his patron honor Bill had been called as a commander to Gothenburg, Roslin followed his reputation in 1741 to work as a portrait painter. The following year, he moved his work to Skåne, where he remained until 1745. He was a friend of François Boucher.

From the 1750s he lived mainly in Paris, where he made a name for himself and was elected to the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. Were marked at this time of bright and cool colors his paintings, also the influence of Jean -Marc Nattier was noticeable, about the portrait baroness of Neubourg - Cromière (1756 ). From 1760 trends were formed to one characterized by more severe forms and vibrant colors painting, such as the portraits of Lady with Veil ( 1768) and family Jennings ( 1769). Roslin was a gifted portrayer of substances and flesh tones, but also painted psychologically penetrating portraits. He also had an eye for the taste of the time and painted with great skill, which earned him great sympathy with the Paris aristocracy.

Works (selection)

  • Friherrinnan de Neubourg - Cromière, the baroness of Neubourg - Cromière, (1756 )
  • Ladies med slöjan, Lady with Veil ( 1768)
  • Carl Linnaeus ( 1775)
  • Familjen Jennings, Jennings Family (1769 )
  • Zoie Ghica, the Moldovan Princess Zoie Ghica (1777 )


Lady with veil ( Portrait of Marie Suzanne Roslin )

Portrait of the Countess of Mniszech, 1752
