Alexander Tille

Alexander Tille ( born March 30, 1866 in Lauenstein, Ore; † December 16 1912 in Saarbrücken ) was a German German scholar, philosopher and officials of trade associations.


Tille came from a Protestant pastor's family. His younger brother was the archivist, librarian and historian Armin Tille. After the visit of the Prince's School in Grimsby studied Alexander Tille 1886-1890 German and English philology and philosophy at the University of Leipzig. Since 1890 he was a lecturer in German at the University of Glasgow. Due to ideological disputes with British students in connection with the Boer War in 1900, he gave to his teaching position. In the following years he represented in Berlin, the interests of big business as Deputy Managing Director in the Central Association of German industrialists. From 1901 he began publishing the political speeches of the Saarland industrialist and politician Carl Ferdinand Freiherr von Stumm - Halberg. From 1903 until his death he was general counsel of the Chamber of Commerce Saarbrücken and Managing Director of several industry associations.


During his Glasgow period he published in German language books to Social Darwinism as well as newspaper articles on the same topic and the contemporary British economy and society. In 1896 he published the first English translation of " Thus Spoke Zarathustra ", in the following years he wrote introductions to other English translations of Nietzsche's works, in which he presented this particular as social Darwinists. In his major philosophical works, the 1893 anonymously ( " a social aristocracy " ) published book "people service " and published two years later essay on " Darwin and Nietzsche ( A book development ethics) " rejects Tille largely in the course of cultural development of mankind established human ethical principles with reference to their " unnaturalness " or their alleged fortschrittslimitierende or fortschrittsverhindernde effect. He also criticized philosophers such as Ernst Haeckel and Herbert Spencer, who postulated the reconciliation of progress and humanity to develop a biological basis. Tille, however, negated this compatibility and stopped the progress of strongly preferred.
