Alexandre de Rhodes

Alexandre de Rhodes ( Vietnamese also A- Lich Sơn Đắc -Lo; * January 15, 1591 or 1593 in Avignon, † November 5, 1660 in Isfahan) was a French Jesuit and missionary.

Alexandre de Rhodes came from a family of silk merchants with the original family name Rodua that. Than Marranos, ie zwangskonvertierte Jews of Calatayud in the Kingdom of Aragon, had fled from the Spanish Inquisition in the papal enclave of Avignon, which was known for its religious tolerance He joined April 14, 1612 in Rome, the Society of Jesus at and studied theology and natural sciences among others, Christoph Clavius ​​. In 1618, he took his first mission trip with target Japan, but first spent three years in Goa, India. In 1623 he came to Macau in China. Since the working conditions for missionaries in Japan had deteriorated significantly, he went in 1624 for three years in the south ( Cochinchina ) and then from 1627 to 1630 in the north ( Tonkin ) of today's Vietnam. However, he fell at the Regent Nguyen Phuc Lan in disgrace and returned for 10 years to Macao, where he taught theology. In 1640 he was again traveling and proselytize for five years after Cochinchina, was then also there expelled from the country. From 1645 to 1649 he traveled through Java, India, Persia, Armenia and Anatolia to Rome. He recommended the solution of the more than Portugal conducted church administration in East Asia and installation of an independent local church, among other things with their own bishops. In 1655 he was sent to Persia, where he remained until his death.

His most important work was the development of the Vietnamese alphabet, which is based on the Latin alphabet. It describes a previous According to the Vietnamese state (eg Konsonatenkombinationen bl, tl, ml at beginning of a syllable, which no longer exist ), but is essentially unchanged to this day under the name Quoc Ngu (from Ch国语, "National Language " ) was used.


  • Relazione de ' felici successi della Santa Fede predicata as ' Padri della Compagnia di nel Regno di Giesu Tunchino, 1650
  • Dictionary Annamiticum, Lusitanum, et Latinum operational sacrae de propaganda fide congregationis in lucem editam from Alexandro de Rhodes e Societate JESUS, eiusdemque Sacrae Congregationis Missionario Apostolico, Rome 1651st
  • Tunchinensis Historiæ libri duo, quorum altero status temporalis huius regni. altero mirabiles evangelicae praedicationis progressus referuntur. coeptae by patres Societatis Jesus, from anno 1627 ad annum 1646, Lyon 1652
  • Histoire du Royaume de Tunquin, et des grands Progrez que la predication de l' evangile ya faits en la conuersion of infidelles. Depuis l' année 1627th iusques à l' année 1646. / 1652 ratio of Progrez de la foy au Royaume de la Cochinchine vers les derniers quartiers du Levant, 1652
  • Sommaire of divers voyages, et missions apostoliques, you RP Alexandre de Rhodes ... à la Chine, & autres royaumes de l' Orient, auec son retour de la Chine à Rome. Depuis l' année à l' année 1618 jusques 1653, 1653
  • La mort d' André glorieuse catechiste de la Cochinchine, qui a le premier versé son sang pour la querelle de Jesus -Christ en cette nouuelle Eglise, Paris 1653
  • Histoire de la vie et de la mort de cinq glorieuse peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, qui ont souffert dans le Iapon. Auec trois seculiers, en l' année 1643, 1654
  • La mort d' André glorieuse catechiste de la Cochinchine, 1654
  • Divers Voyages du P. Alexandre de Rhodes en la Chine, & autres Roiaumes de l' Orient auec, son retour en Europe par la Perse & l' Armenie, 1666