Alexandrina Maria da Costa

Alexandrina Maria da Costa ( born March 30, 1904 in Gresufes, community Balazar, † October 13, 1955 ibid ) was a Portuguese mystic and contemporary of Therese Neumann.

In 1944 she wrote under her spiritual director Don Umberto Pasquale SDB in the Association of Salesian Cooperators Don Bosco ( SMDB ) a.

It is reported about them that she had been fourteen years a rape escaped by jumping through a window and leaving him paralyzed. Their sufferings have they sacrificed as a mystical attitude for the conversion of sinners and peace in the world. As with other mystics is narrated that they 've taken over the years, only the body of Christ as food. Her grave in the Igreja de Santa Eulalia de Paroquial Balasar was a popular pilgrimage destination soon after her death.


She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 25 April 2004.
