Alexandru Borza

Alexandru Borza (* 1887 in Alba Iulia, † 1971) was a Romanian botanist and plant explorer. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Borza ".


Borza studied with the help of a scholarship from the Greek-Catholic church in Budapest and Wroclaw theology and natural science. First, he taught in Blaj and taught from 1918 in Cluj- Napoca at the university.

In 1923 he set up in Cluj- Napoca a botanical garden. In 1935, founded on his initiative the first natural park of Romania, Retezat National Park,.


The Botanical Garden of Cluj -Napoca in 1990 was named after him.


  • Flora şi vegetaţia Văii Sebeşului, Editura Academiei, Bucharest 1959.
  • Nicolae Boscaiu: Introducere în studiul covorului vegetal, Editura Academiei, Bucharest 1965.
  • Diccionario etnobotanic, Editura Academiei, Bucharest 1968.
  • Amintirile turistic ale unui naturalist calator pe trei contienente, Editura Sport - Turism, Bucharest 1987.