Alexei Savrasov

Alexei Savrasov (Russian Алексей Кондратьевич Саврасов; * 12 Maijul / May 24 1830greg in Moscow, .. .. † 26 Septemberjul / October 8 1897greg ) was a Russian landscape painter.

Born the son of a merchant, he began early to draw and paint. In 1844 he was accepted as a student of professor Rabus at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, which he left in 1850 as a graduate. He then began his special interest in landscape painting to pursue.

In 1852 he traveled to the Ukraine. Two years later he went at the invitation of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, the President of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts, Saint Petersburg. In 1857 Sawrassow took over the post of a teacher at the Moscow School of Painting, Bildhauerein and architecture. His most famous pupils were there Isaac Levitan and Konstantin Alexeyevich Korovin. The avant-garde painter Alexei Morgunov was his bastard son.

After his marriage to Sophia Carlovna Hertz, sister of art historian K. Hertz, frequented his house many artists and collectors including Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. A particularly close friendship with him at this time Vasily Grigoryevich Perov. In the 1860s, he traveled to England to visit the World's Fair; then he traveled to Switzerland.

In 1870 he became a member of the Peredvizhniki movement and thus broke with the government-supported teaching methodology. In addition, his works were on display at World Expo - Vienna 1873, Paris 1878 and at the All-Russian Exhibition 1882 in Moscow.

In the following years he had to suffer personal and professional setbacks, so that he became an alcoholic. All auxiliary attempts by relatives and friends were in vain. The last years of his life were spent in poverty and became homeless. He died in 1897 in Moscow.

Works (selection)

  • View from the Bridge Krimski to the Kremlin during inclement weather ( Вид на Кремль с Крымског моста в ненастную погоду ) ( 1851)
  • Views of the surroundings of Oranienbaum ( Вид в окрестности Ораниенбаума ) ( 1854)
  • Landscape with River and Angler ( Пейзаж с рекой и рыбаком ) ( 1859)
  • Rural view (1867 )
  • Winter Night ( Зимняя ночь ) ( 1869)
  • Winter ( Зима ) ( 1870)
  • Cave Abbey in Nizhny Novgorod ( Пещерский монастырь у Нижнего Новгорода ) ( 1871)
  • Rainbow ( Радуга ) ( 1873)
  • Abteitor ( Монастырские ворота ) ( 1875)
  • Early Spring - Thaw ( Ранняя весна.Оттепель ) ( 1880)
  • Spring - Kitchen Gardens ( Весна.Огороды ) ( 1893)
  • Mud Weather ( Rasputitsa, Распутица ) ( 1894)

Some work

Views of the surroundings of Oranienbaum. 1854

Landscape with river and fisherman. 1859

Rural view. 1867

Winter night. 1869

Winter. 1870

The rooks return. 1871

Cave Abbey in Nizhny Novgorod. 1871

The Sukharev Tower. 1872

Rainbow. 1873

Rafts. 1873

Abteitor. 1875

Early Spring - thaw. Thaw. 1880s

Spring - kitchen gardens. 1893

Mud weather. 1894
