
Álfheimr, including albums Home ( Old Norse álfheimr "World of albums" ), in Norse mythology is the place which the Wanengott Freyr had received from the gods as a dental gift. The tooth gift is a gift on the occasion of the first tooth of a child. Since the place is mentioned in the series of gods residence, it is obvious to see in the city Freyr.

Snorri Sturluson referred to in the Prose Edda Álfheimr however, as the home of light Albums ( Ljosalfar ). Spatially is for him the place in the sky as opposed to the home of the Dark albums deep in the earth.

The connection between the Vanir and albums follows from the chthonic nature of both. The separation into a light and a dark albums world by Snorri is obviously Christian motivated, but it is already in the two-sided nature of the albums that are closely related to the fertility cult and his death - and - return - myth included.
