Alfred Döblin Prize

The Alfred Döblin Prize is named after Alfred Döblin Prize for Literature for unpublished prose, which was founded in 1979 by Günter Grass. Literary Colloquium Berlin and the Academy of the Arts ( Berlin) align the literary competition every two years. The price was doped in the course of its history with different sums; 2007 and 2009 was the prize money of 15,000 euros.

Since 2007, the winner will be determined by a " reading competition ". The nominees will be invited to the Literary Colloquium Berlin, where they recite their texts and for discussion. The readings of the nominees are - also in 2007 - recorded and published in literature Port as audition. The winner will be determined immediately after the readings of the jury; the award ceremony is traditionally held the next day at the Academy of Arts instead.

Award winners
