Alfredo Bosi

Alfredo Bosi ( born August 26, 1936 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian professor, literary scholar and critic.


Alfredo Bosi, of Italian descent, graduated from the Universidade de São Paulo ( USP) in Neo-Latin literature and spent two years from 1960 due to a scholarship for further study abroad in Florence, Italy. After his return he taught 10 years Italian literature at USP.

In 1964 he received his doctorate with the letters A Narrativa de Pirandello and defended his teaching license six years later with a habilitation thesis on Giacomo Leopardi entitled Mito e Poesia em Leopardi. During this time intensified his interest in the literature of Brazil, in 1966 in the work O pré - modernismo and 1970 in História da literatura brasileira concisa reflected ( Brief History of Brazilian Literature ). From 1972 he turned to studying Brazilian literature of the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Universidade de São Paulo the Humana.

First Deputy Director of the Instituto de Estudos Avançados the USP from 1987 to 1997, he was then its director until 2001. In addition, he took a variety of positions in academic and cultural bodies and as an advisor in magazines. Since 1989 he has been editor of the journal Estudos avançados (advanced studies), are also many of his essays published.

Several of his works were published in large editions, including História da literatura brasileira experienced concisa 2010, the 45th edition, his multiple award-winning O ser eo tempo da poesia ( Being and the pace of poetry ) was published in 8th edition, 2010. In addition to these monographs he has published numerous essays in humanities journals.

Alfredo Bosi is married to the social psychologist, writer and professor at the Institute of Psychology USP Ecléa Bosi, with whom he has two children: the son of José Alfredo Bosi, Professor of Economics, and the daughter Viviana Bosi, professor of literary theory at the USP.

So far none of his works has been translated into German.


Alfredo Bosi, was admitted to the Academia Brasileira de Letras, the Brazilian Academy of Letters in Rio de Janeiro on 20 March 2003. He's in succession by Lucas Moreira Neves, the seventh holder of França Júnior named after the seat number 12


An extensive bibliography can be found on the sides of the Academia Brasileira de Letras.

  • O pré - modernismo. Cultrix Editora, São Paulo 1966. ( 5th edition 1979). (A literatura brasileira. 5).
  • História concisa as literatura brasileira. Cultrix Editora, São Paulo, 1970 ( 45th edition: 2010). Spanish Edition: Historia de la literatura concisa brasileña. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México 1983.
  • French edition: Culture Brésilienne. Une dialectique de la colonization. L' Harmattan, Paris, 2000.
  • Spanish Edition: Cultura Brasileira. Una Dialectica de la clonización. Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 2005, ISBN 84-7800-494-7.