
Algaida is a municipality of the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca. It has an area of ​​89.70 km ² with 5382 inhabitants (as of 1 January 2013). In 2006, the proportion of foreigners in the population was 12.0 % ( 521), the proportion of German population 4.2% (184).

Places in the municipality

The municipality Algaida include the following villages:

  • Algaida (2664/4171 inhabitants)
  • Pina ( 429/543 inhabitants)
  • Randa (85/ 113 inhabitants )

The inhabitants numbers in parentheses are from 1 January 2008. The first number indicates the inhabitants of the built-up areas where the second number the inhabitants of places including the addition to computing " scattered " population living outside the actual settlements. (Source: INE )


The municipality of Algaida is located in the southeastern part of the island of Mallorca, on the main road 25 km from Palma to Manacor. The administrative center of the municipality is the town of the same name Algaida. Six smaller mountains belong to Algaida, the highest and most famous is the Puig de Randa with 544 meters. Altitudes: Algaida ( marketplace ): 155 meters, pina ( village square ): 155 meters, Randa ( at the fountain ): 305 meters.


The name comes from the Arabic word Algaida al - Gaida ( "The Forest " ) from. To the community includes Algaida, Pina and Randa. Residents will algaidi ( men) and algaidina ( women) called. Algaida was mentioned documentary for the first time in 1232. But the most famous of these is community Randa with Table Mountain Puig de Randa, where you will find three monastic sanctuaries. On the lower terrace, the Sanctuary of Nostra Senyora de Gràcia, a monastery from the 15th century, which was built like a swallow's nest on the mountain slope is. On the second terrace, the Ermita de Sant Honorat is from the 14th century. At the height of the mountain lies the Sanctuary of Nostra finally Senyora de Cura, Franciscan since 1275 Hermitage and the workplace of Ramon Llull, of Majorca great religious philosophers and scholars. He was born 1232 Catalan parents in Palma. In his 30th year of life took place in his transformation from a man of the world to the hermits from the Troubadour to the monk, whose religious visions was the peaceful and spiritually fruitful gathering of Jews, Christians and Muslims. His most important work is called " Blanquerna ". Most of his writings, he wrote 260 in Catalan that he rose so to Scripture and cultural language. He died in 1315 and was buried in the church of San Francisco. On the Puig de Randa, there is also a Ramon Llull museum and a school.


In the year Algaida be registered via precipitation. The driest month is July with an average of 12.5 l / m². The highest rainfall in 24 hours was recorded on 17 September 1943 97 l / m².


On the main road to Manacor few kilometers behind Algaida right hand as a sign of Osborne bull of Andalusian brandy distillery Osborne. He is the only one on Mallorca. The so typical of Spain sheet bull, as a symbol of foreign domination is apparently little popular with supporters Majorcan autonomy, has already had to endure several attacks, but was always rebuilt. As a " National Treasure " of the Osborne bull is now even spain far under special protection.


  • Way crosses ( Creu d'en Massot, Sat Creveta de s'Hostal d'en gi or trade Traginers, Creu des Colomer, Creu de Binicomprat, Creu de can Vicó ).
  • Windmills
  • Punxuat
  • Albenya
  • Hermitage of Mare de Deu de la Pau de Castellitx
  • Glass fabrication Gordiola, the oldest glassblowing Mallorca, is 19 miles behind Palma on the main road to Manacor shortly before Algaida. In the workshop the Gordiola family can watch the glassblowers at work over his shoulder and watch the production of artistic pieces

Puig de Randa

  • Sanctuary of Nostra Senyora de Gràcia
  • Ermita de Sant Honorat
  • Sanctuary of Nostra Senyora de Cura
  • Parish Church of the Immaculate and the beatified Ramon Llull
  • Cross of Randa
  • Cross of Sant Honorat
  • Source of Randa
  • The scenic surroundings, the Randa massif


  • Parish Church of Sant Cosme i Damià
  • The monastery
  • The fountain


Sant Antoni, January 17, Sunday in July: Festival d' Estui, Sant Cosme and Sant Damià 26 September, Randa: Sant Honorat, January 16th. It is celebrated Sant Honorat, patronal festival on January 16, with the " Cossiers ". Pilgrimage to Castellitx de la Pau, on the Tuesday after Easter. Decorated carts, fair in ancient church Ermita de la Pau ( 13th century)


Every Friday, Sa Plaza, Algaida.
