Ali Barraud

Ali Barraud ( Ali Barraud n'goni, born January 31, 1918) is a physician and politician in Burkina Faso, the former Upper Volta.

Barraud was first medical officer in Bobo-Dioulasso, before joining in the 1950s, the Rassemblement Démocratique Africain Liberation Movement ( RDA).

His political career began as a city councilor in Bobo-Dioulasso. At times he was there also deputy mayor before he entered in 1957 for the PDU ( Parti Démocratique unifié ) in the third Territorial Assembly Upper Volta. ( Term 1957/1959 ).

From January to March 1959 Barraud member and vice president of the Federal Assembly of the Mali Federation, this left but with the exit Upper Volta again. In April 1959 he was appointed as a Member of the UDV ( Union Démocratique Voltaïque ) in the National Assembly and there chosen as Vice-President of the Commission for Social and Cultural Affairs.

In the following years, he held various high positions: he was in 1970 the first deputy secretary of the United Party UDV - RDA. Since 1971 Barraud was Minister of Public Health. From this office he resigned in 1974. In 1971 he was also elected as Deputy Chairman of the WHO.
