(Chinese阿里巴巴, Pinyin ālǐbābā ) is a trade and communication platform for businesses (B2B). The administrative headquarters is located in Hangzhou (China). It belongs to Alibaba Group.

Offer has indicated that a customer base of more than 53 million users from over 240 countries and regions. Especially small and medium-sized companies use the platform for trading in Asian countries. In Europe it is mainly for trade with Asia is important.

As a payment service has been developed and introduced from the same provider Alipay.


The site was founded in 1999 by Jack Ma, a Chinese IT entrepreneurs. End of April 2007 it was announced that the parent company Alibaba Group is planning an IPO in the sole business-to -business Internet platform in the course of the year. Implemented this was on 6 November 2007 as the world's second-largest IPO by an Internet company after Google in 2004. With the issue, the company took 11.6 billion Hong Kong dollars (about one billion euros). Caused a stir in the run-up to the quick over-subscription of the shares offered. The big banks Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley accompanied the emission as a leading syndicate banks.

2008 Yahoo took over 40 % of Alibaba. is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.


Alibaba is accused of many fraudsters " alibis " to give (so-called Gold Supplier ). The certificate and the linguistic dexterity of the wrong dealer so often leads to fraud. In this way, hundreds of shoppers were robbed of their money in the past. For many African scammer, it is a liked to use platform to offer here that does not exist in this set rail scrap, gold, diamonds, and herbal products. The Alibaba Group has been criticized by conservation organizations, as on the website shark meat is traded.
