All-Russian nation

Three Some Russian ( Ruthenian ) People (Russian Триединый русский народ, Ukrainian Триєдиний руський народ, Belarusian Трыядзіны рускі народ ) is the design of an all-Russian nation, which consists of three regional subgroups: Wholesale, White and Little Russians, all of Old Russian from the people of Kievan Rus developed. The concept of the triune Russian people was the official and state -building concept in the Russian Empire and was up to the Russian Revolution, and some time after the worldwide ethnological standard.

Translation specifics

In the Russian language the word русский ( russkii ) is the only adjective to the historic region of Rus. In modern times, the two Latin forms of the name Russia and Ruthenia after a period of Synonimität the basis for the distinction of the Eastern Slavs were. The first term is designated primarily areas of the Eastern Slavs in the sphere of power of the Tsar ( the ancestors of today's Russians ), with the second areas of the Eastern Slavs in the Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth ( ancestors of today's Ukrainians and Belarusians ). Sometimes, the word Ruthenian also issues related to the Kievan Rus', to distinguish them from issues related to Russia. The Russian language has traditionally been no such distinction. For this reason, the term триединый русский народ can relate both to the entire Rus and Russia. Accordingly, a corresponding translation is possible as triune Ruthenian people.


Russian Tsardom and Empire

The emergence of a new state ideology in Russia Tsardom was associated with the integration of the left-bank Ukraine in the second half of the 17th century. The idea of ​​a union of Ukraine and Russia was not imposed by the Moscow government, but originally Ukrainian. Such pursuits began in the late 16th century in connection with the discrimination of Orthodoxy in Poland - Lithuania and settled in the course of the 17th century until the Khmelnytsky uprising continues. The influential book Kievan Synopsis of the Archimandrite of the Kiev -Pechersk Lavra Innocent Giesel contained a description of the old unit of the "Russian people". Modern researchers see this work as the beginning of the historical conception of the Old Russian people. In the next hundred years Synopsis played the role of a spiritual constitution of the united states.

The author and ideologue of the concept of a triune Russian people was born in Kiev, Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and professor of Kyiv -Mohyla Academy Theophan Prokopowitsch. He taught the Russian people is triune, as already Besage the title of Tsar: Tsar of the Great, Little and White Russia.

According to the Russian historian Andrei Martschukow the triune Russian people formed the ethnic and cultural core of the multinational Russian Empire, while other ethnicities formed spherical circles around it. The well-known historian Vasily Klyuchevsky suspected that the division of the Russian people in an eastern and a western part happened as a result of feudal fragmentation and the Mongol invasion and later the western part fell into Ukrainians and Belarusians. In this way arose from the ancient Russian folk the three branches of the All-Russian people of his time. The well-known historian Nikolai Kostomarow, which was attributed to the rather ukrainophiles flow, recognized the existence of a pan- Russian people.


The Stalin era, which came over the Trotskyists after the victory was marked by a certain revival of the old imperial conceptions, even if the status of Ukrainians and Belarusians were no longer detected as having been settled peoples in question. The Kievan Rus' was defined by Stalin's historians as a "common cradle" of the three East Slavic peoples, while reinforced the conception of an ancient Russian people, which they inhabited, has been developed. A clear influence of the pre-revolutionary conception of the triune Russian people have works by the Soviet academician Nikolai Derzhavin which a monograph called The Origin of the Russian people, 1944 of the Great-Russian, the Ukrainian and Belarusian published.

The conception of a Soviet people ( советский народ ), a new company, which has features in common: In the era of Nikita Khrushchev, these views were replaced by a new approach that seemed the duties of his time more useful.

Modern time

After the dissolution of the USSR and the emergence of the independent states of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the concepts of an all-Russian or Soviet people have lost their ideological meaning. Instead learned concepts, deny the one unit or even the relationship of these nations, rapid development to meet the ideological needs of the processes of nation building. However, the concept of a triune Russian people in various forms in the political and journalistic spheres of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus remains alive. The Russian Orthodox Church stands up for the concept of " Russian World " ( русский мир ) and speaks openly about the need for the "reunification" of the triune Russian people, which is sometimes referred to as the most important goal for the 21st century called. At the same time the concept of the Trinity as a category of past centuries is considered that needs to be modernized and a search for new identities and new unifying impulses requires.
