All Souls' Day

On All Souls' Day ( in Latin commemoratione omnium fidelium defunctorum ) the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the memory of their deceased. The memory of all souls is celebrated in the church year on November 2nd, the day after the Solemnity of All Saints. Through prayer, intercession, alms and cemetery course people remember the poor souls in purgatory and indulgences to contact them. In the Roman Catholic Church of the Allerseelenablass therefore has a special meaning.

Where the tombs of blessing has not already taken place on the afternoon of All Saints' Day, they will be held at All Souls, where they really belong. Because Souls' Day is treated as solemnities of the Lord in the liturgical rank, displaces the anniversary in years, where he falls on a Sunday, the Sunday of the Year.

In the Protestant church of the deceased is thought on eternity Sunday. The Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church of the anniversary of the asleep can also be committed in worship on November 2.

In Austria, All Souls' Day is not a legal holiday, but there are no classes in public schools instead and at some universities the day is lecture- free.


The All Souls' Day on November 2 goes back to Abbot Odilo of Cluny; he introduced this Memorial Day in all dependent on Cluny monasteries. The decree Odilos from the year 998 is still preserved. On All Souls' Day was also celebrated outside the monasteries. For Rome it is attested since the early 14th century. From Cluny from the All Souls spread throughout the Catholic Church. He is theologically get in close connection with the doctrine of purgatory ( purgatory, purgatory ) as a place of purification of the deceased, the help of the living through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. All Souls is mainly associated in the Alpine countries with numerous folk customs.

The Mexican festival of the dead Día de los muertos went from a mixture of indigenous traditions with the Christian All Souls forth.


According to ancient folklore, the souls of the dead went on at All Souls from Purgatory and rested for a short time out. Therefore, in many regions, particularly in southern Germany and Austria structures breads, as Allerseelenbrot, braids and the like. These were the souls in special places, mostly the graves laid.

In the British Isles there was a custom in which poor children could beg Allerseelenkuchen. It is suspected that this custom came about Irish emigrants to America and the roots of the custom "Trick or Treat " are here.

Pictures of All Souls' Day
