
AlltheWeb was an Internet search engine, which was introduced by Fast Search and Transfer in 1999, based on a developed in 1997 by the same company search engine. In February 2003, the Internet search department of Fast Search and Transfer was bought by Overture, which in turn was acquired in March 2004 by Yahoo.

AlltheWeb had initially a current database, advanced search capabilities and a fully customizable appearance. Shortly after the acquisition by Yahoo began to use the database of Yahoo for search and removed some advanced search options, such as FTP, MP3 and video search. As before AlltheWeb allowed but the search based on Boolean expressions.

Fast Search and Transfer wanted to ask at the start of the search engine's database other search engines available, similar to Inktomi had already been done successfully. In fact, Lycos used the results of 2000 in Lycos PRO search. At this time, the database of 80 million was increased to 200 million pages. The objective of launching the entire publicly accessible Internet, however, was not far from being achieved. In 2002, the crawler had recorded over 2 billion pages and so ushered in a new round in the battle of the search engines a. Prior to the acquisition by Yahoo, the database contained about 3.3 billion URIs.

AlltheWeb was set on April 4, 2011 and the domain has since headed to the Yahoo! search further.
