
The Almolonga is a 3,197 -meter-high andesitic stratovolcano in Guatemala with a Zentralcaldera with a diameter of 3.3 kilometers. The crater Cerro Quemada is the youngest historically active cathedral complex. At the collapse of this dome 1,200 years ago caused debris avalanches with an estimated volume of 13 million cubic meters, which flowed through the West Valley up to the flanks of the neighboring volcano Siete Orejas. In addition, lava was ejected in the amount of at least 20 million cubic meters. The last outbreak in 1818, a 2.5 -kilometer-long lava flow originated. Historical records indicate a more explosive eruption from October 24 to 25 1765th Hot Springs are located on the northern and eastern slopes of the Cerro Quemada and on the southeast flank is a geothermal research project instead.
