
As alogia one of the so-called "A- symptoms " of schizophrenia is called. It refers to a thought disorder with paucity of speech or impoverishment of the speech content.

It is also expressed in an extension of the response latency. That is, the patient responds only very slowly and very sparse to questions. The leadership of a conversation is difficult. Causes for the alogia are thought and expression disorders, but also the impaired ability to communicate.

Alogia is the Greek term for stupidity, ignorance, thoughtlessness. Were as illogical utterances that lacked reason, incomprehensible or were absurd, respectively.

Q: Do you have children? A: Yes. Q: How many? A: Two. Q: How old are they? A: Six and sixteen. Q: Are they boys or girls? A: Both. Q: Who is the sixteen- year-old? A: The boy. Q: What is his name? A: Edmond. Q: What about the girl? A: Alice.

Q: Do you have children? A: Yes, a boy and a girl. Q: How old are they? A: Edmond is sixteen and Alice is six.

Pictures of Alogia
