Alonso de Covarrubias

Alonso de Covarrubias (* 1488 in Torrijos, † 1570) was a Spanish Renaissance architect and sculptor. The spectrum of his work ranges from Plateresque style ( plateresco ) of its early buildings up to the rigorous style of the Hospital de Tavera in Toledo.


The father of Alonso de Covarrubias was Sticker Borders ( bordador ), his mother was probably a simple housewife. In 1510 he married María Gutiérrez de Egas, possibly was the niece of his master Antón Egas. Two of his sons, Diego de Covarrubias and Antonio Covarrubias, were significant humanists and legal scholars of the Spanish Renaissance.


Since many architects worked together with others, is to clarify unique only in a few cases, by whom the plans were and who was the executive architect. The following data and information are delivered:

Then he took care primarily about restorations or revisions of smaller churches in the area of Toledo. The new city gate Puerta de Bisagra in Toledo ( 1559/60 ) is to come from his hand.

Hospital de Tavera, Toledo.

Hospital de Santa Cruz, Toledo

Puerta de Bisagra, Toledo
