Alric of Kent

Ealric (also Alric, Alricus; * before 716) was co-regent since 725 the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Kent.


Ealric came from the Kentish dynasty of Oiscingas. He was a son of the king Wihtred ( 690/691-725 ) and its third woman Wærburg. On April 23, 725 Wihtred died. Heirs of the kingdom were his three sons Aethelberht II, Eadberht I. and Ealric. Besides these mentions in a Charter and by the Venerable Bede there are no other contemporary evidence to Ealric.

Aethelberht was the eldest of the brothers to the East Kent and the supremacy Eadberht reigned in West Kent, while Ealric, who disappeared on it from source, probably subordinate co-regent was. Probably Ealric died soon after.

William of Malmesbury, a historian of the 12th century, continued to reign Ealrics, as the successor of his brothers, in the years from 762 to 796 Accordingly, he would have survived his father for more than 70 years, which keep modern historians to be very unlikely and therefore predominantly Beda following start from the common rule of the three brothers from 725.

