
AltaVista was a search engine for the Internet. It emerged from a research project of the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC ), which was introduced in late 1995. It was one of the first search engine, with which you could perform a full- text search for relevant sites on the Internet. Developed this was by Louis Monier, Joella Paquette and Paul Flaherty.


In December 1995, the AltaVista search service went under the URL at the start and was up to the year 1999, when Google took over this role, the most prominent full-text search engine HotBot next. Basic principle of the land on AltaVista ranking algorithm was to evaluate the meta tags on the HTML pages. However, it also fragments of text were used by the HTML pages indexed and according to an internal logic of grouping the links on a ranking position.

Following the acquisition of DEC by Compaq was from AltaVista - then under - an independent company that for a time tried to be commercially successful web portal. Originally the service was used primarily as a technology demonstration for the performance of the DEC server used for this purpose. Later, AltaVista specialized back to the search and gave up the portal activities. The scope of the data collected in the search sites, however, was much lower than that of Google. Six years after the launch, in February 2003, the now ailing AltaVista Company was acquired by Overture surprisingly, a company that develops and search technique which is since 2003 owned by Yahoo Inc..

Was known about a published presentation for the first time on 16 December 2010 that Yahoo is as part of restructuring measures include the search service. Having already since 2010, all searches were redirected from Altavista to Yahoo Search, the service was finally set on 8 July 2013.


Developed by AltaVista Babel Fish service was the first automated Internet translation service that could translate words, phrases or entire websites from different languages ​​.
