Alva (given name)

Alva is a male and female first name.

Origin and Meaning

The feminine name Alva is of Swedish origin. It is in this case is the feminine form of Alvar whose components OHG alf " elf, nature spirit" and OHG heri " warband, Army " are.

The male first name Alva comes from the Hebrew עַלְוָה Alvah, meaning " His Highness ". In the Bible a descendant of Esau bears this name.


The name enjoyed great popularity at present in Sweden and in 2005 was ranked number 8 of the most awarded female name in Sweden.


As a name day is celebrated September 3.

Bearers of the name

  • Alva Adams (1850-1922), American politician
  • Alva B. Adams (1875-1941), American politician
  • Alva J. Fisher (1862-1947), American engineer
  • Alva Noë, (born 1964 ), American philosopher and cognitive scientist

Name winners

  • Alva Myrdal (1902-1986), Swedish Nobel Peace Prize winner
  • Alva Vanderbilt Belmont (1853-1933), American women's rights activist

Between Name

  • Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), American inventor
  • Thomas Alva Edison, Jr. (1876-1935), American inventor
  • Frank Alva Buecheler ( born 1960 ), theater director