Álvaro García Linera

Álvaro Marcelo García Linera (* October 19, 1962 ) is a Bolivian politician and sociologist. He was elected in 2005 on the side of Evo Morales as Vice President. Both are members of the Movimiento al Socialismo.

He was born in Cochabamba and attended the Colegio San Agustin. He then studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico City and was a mathematician.

Upon his return to Bolivia, he attempted to put some of his socialist beliefs into practice and joined the " ayllu Rojos " to a group of experimental, Marxist-inspired indigenous communities in the northwest of Bolivia. When this attempt failed, García Linera opted for a more radical approach. On the side of Felipe Quispe, he became involved in the guerrilla guerrilla Túpac Katari Ejército ( EGTK ).

"Together with other members of EGTK, including Felipe Quispe, García Linera was arrested in 1992. Without process and judgment he spent five years in prison. The time it took to read, to study sociology and writing books. After he was released from prison, he began working as a lecturer in sociology, political science and communication studies at various universities in Bolivia. He co-founded the group Comuna that has accompanied the development of the social movements of Bolivia with their writings. "

Books, speeches and articles by Álvaro García Linera

  • Sociología de los Movimientos Sociales en Bolivia. La Paz: Plural, 2005.
  • Indianismo and Marxism: The mismatch of two revolutionary rational, Left, 2005
  • Neo - liberalism and the New Socialism - Speech by Alvaro Garcia Linera, Political Affairs January -Feb-2007
  • Catastrophic equilibrium and point of bifurcation, Bolivia Rising May 2008
  • Álvaro García Linera: From the periphery to the center - The redesign of state and society in Bolivia. 1st edition. Rotpunktverlag, Zurich 2012, ISBN 978-3-85869-445-4.