Alwin der Letzte

  • Gerhard Bienert: Alwin Schmieder
  • Paul R. executioner: August Schmieder
  • Wolfgang Thal: Karl Schmieder
  • Brigitte Krause: Barbara Wendt
  • Karl Kendzia: Otto Kleinhans
  • Erich Brauer: Ernst Baldauf
  • Steffie Spira: Caroline Gutjahr
  • Hubert Hoelzke: young farmer

Alwin the Last is a German comedy film DEFA by Hubert Hoelzke from the year 1960.


Alwin Schmieder, his younger brother August and his friend Otto are the only men in the village who have not yet entered the LPG. For chicken experts August, the question does not arise, because it is only servant of his brother, of which he, but rarely gets a Payment room and board. Alwin is a widower for a short time and now realizes that he no longer cope without his Amanda with the budget. While helping his brother, but packs son Karl, for example, with hardly on the farm on. He is in the LPG and has also in the city met a " political" that rejects without knowing it Alwin and want to keep at all costs by Karl.

Alwin can set about Otto marriage ad in the Sunday Mail, the Otto the discretion 's sake but for an " A. Schmieder "lets give up. August again looking in the newspaper also through an advertisement, but after a mother hen. This means that Alwin always must intercept the postman, so August will not get the wrong letters. The marriage idea is Alwin however expelled by the will of his wife, which specifies that Alwin has to be two -fifth of its assets to Amanda's sister Berta in the event of remarriage. Charles in turn is testament to lose his land if he does not get married in a year.

In vain LPG Chairman Ernst Baldauf has been trying to convince Alwin to give up one of its empty chambers for a LPGler. Charles "Political " has arrived in the village - it is called Barbara and wants to convince himself of Alwin. It appears ostensibly random in home Schmieder, to borrow a chicken catalog. Since it is already there, she cleans the room, and the same comes the next day ago more and more to complete the budget. Alwin she wins dear and now does everything it can to bring them together with Karl. He also determined that it relates one of the empty chambers. August, meanwhile, learns the chicken breeder Caroline Gutjahr know who had actually replied to the marriage ad by Alwin. August took the letter and Caroline answered truthfully that he already had a young hen and therefore could not respond to their offer. Caroline seemed to himself ridiculed and wanted to task August. When the misunderstanding is cleared, both realize that they like each other. August explains the baffled Alwin that he would marry and live with Karoline - on their farm and in the LPG. Alwin turn was planning to make Karoline even an application to Amanda Testament clause proved yet to be void, because her sister Berta had already died. Alwin must now accept more fatalities: Karl and Bärbel explain to him that Bärbel is the Political and future daughter Alwins. Alwin it takes but left because everything would be considered in a different light, if you know the person who engages in politics. Otto has decided to turn, but to enter the LPG. He gives Alwin, who is now the last non - LPGler in the village, its double LPG application and Alwin left alone. Slowly he unfolds the application and begins to read it.


Alwin the last is based on the eponymous play by Margret Gruchmann Reuter and Erich Heller. The costumes created Gerda Sachs, the production design was by Reinhard Welz.

Alwin the last witnessed on 23 September 1960 at Berlin's Potsdamer Colosseum and the theater tune its premiere. On 1 May 1961, the film on DFF 1 was first seen on television in the GDR. It was the first feature film, the director Hubert Hoelzke turned. He is to be seen in a supporting role as a young farmer.

The film was next to no trouble with Cleopoatra and Senta gone astray to the works of DEFA, which are " farcical cinematic views to join the LPG ".


The contemporary criticism was that the movie was amusing, however, in social terms, too little grappling with " friend and enemy ". For the filmdienst Alwin " in moderation unpretentious, amusing comedy" was the last one
