
AMaViS is A MAil virus scanner and is a server-side virus scanner that comes on Unix / Linux mail servers used. Meanwhile, the function of a spam filter has been extended.


Amavis was developed in 1997 by Mogens Kjaer and Juergen Quade and in the years 1998 to 2000 by Christian Bricart, Rainer Link, Chris Mason ( amavis.orgi ). For this purpose the software was first written in the Unix shell. In 2000 it was then converted by Chris Mason on Perl and developed until 2003 by Geoff Winkless, Lars Hecking and Hilko Bengen. Mark Martinec worked on different hardware and software projects at the Jozef Stefan Institute ( IJS ) where he actively participated in open source projects. Since 2002, he worked among others with the development of the " amavisd-new content filter " for the IJS.

Task of the software

AMaViS virus scanner is not in the true sense, but a software that was developed to integrate virus scanner in the mail server. It provides a standard interface between the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA ) and content filtering to ensure that the manufacturer of servers and mail antivirus programs do not constantly have to develop new interfaces. It is, for example, compatible with Postfix, sendmail or Exim. Anti -virus programs that are working with Amavis, among other Unix AntiVir, AVG AV, AVP, ClamAV, Dr. Web, eTrust AV or F -Prot. Newer versions are now offering to include the possibility SpamAssassin and other anti- spam software. This amavis is a complete e- mail filter framework.
