Ambroise Noumazalaye

Edouard Ambroise Noumazalaye ( born 1933 in Likouala, † November 17, 2007 in Paris) was 1966-1968 Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo.

Political career

Noumazalaye was born on May 6, 1966 Prime Minister under the 1963 -down by a coup d'etat President Alphonse Massemba - Débat. He belonged to the former single party Mouvement National de la Révolution (MNR ). In September 1967, he visited the People's Republic of China. His tenure ended on 12 January 1968, when Massemba - Débat dismissed him.

Later he joined the Unity Party, founded in 1969 new Parti Congolais du Travail (PCT ), which ruled the country until the transition to democracy in 1992 and again since 1997. In the 1990s, he was its secretary general. After the elections to the Senate on 11 July 2002, he became its President in August and later gave his party office on. 56 of the 60 elected senators are members of the PCT since 1997 ruling President Denis Sassou Nguesso, or close to her.
