Ambush predator

As an ambush predator or highseat such creatures are called, the quiet and well camouflaged remain in one place and lie in wait for prey. The success in hunting Lauer is essentially based on the surprising overwhelm the prey.

Many animals turn to next ambush hunting and other hunting strategies, if the larger amount of energy is in proportion to the prey. The advantage of the ambush hunting is a small amount of energy, rewarding it is only at high prey number. At very high prey density even a selection of prey is possible.

In particular, in birds, the expression highseat is mostly used. The attack is carried out by a seat waiting, such as the branches of a tree. Examples are kingfishers, hawks and kestrels. The latter apply in addition to stand hunting, the hunting air, which is quite exhausting due to the Rüttelflugs used therein.

Cats are primarily attributable to the lurking predators. Dogs in contrast, are more likely Hetzjäger. Lurking predators are also found among insects, reptiles and fish.
