American Association for the Advancement of Science

The American Association for the Advancement of Science, also known as "Triple AS" (AAAS ) is the world's largest scientific society and publisher of the journal Science. Your mission is to "advance science and serve society" ( promoting science and serve society ) and its mission is the scientific progress and developments around the world for the benefit of mankind. Office of the Company is Washington, D.C.


The organization was founded on September 20, 1848 in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Its first president was William Charles Redfield and according to its first statutes, the aim of the society is to promote the scientific dialogue and scientific cooperation through regular meetings.

Initially, the company had only 87 members, but this number increased rapidly and already in 1860 (at the time when the American Civil War broke out ) they had over 2000 members. Since then, this number has grown even further and now includes the organization according to the information about 272 other organizations and 10 million individuals.

In contrast to the National Academy of Sciences, the AAAS is open to anyone as a member. Fellows are appointed on the other hand.
