American Renaissance (magazine)

American Renaissance is an American right-wing magazine, represents the positions of the white separatism. It was founded in 1990 by journalist Jared Taylor and published by the New Century Foundation. To the magazine is an online community formed of like-minded activists and supporters.

In the ideological front, the assertion that many of the social problems that now show up in the U.S. can be attributed to the diversity of races and cultures. Alternatively, a drastic reduction of immigration and voluntary segregation is propagated. The magazine will further be dealt with genetic racial differences in terms of intelligence and other skills. It is held a conference on these and related topics annually.

One, launched by the Fox News 9 January 2011 message, which brought the so-called Protect the Tucson attack on American Renaissance in conjunction and appealed to the Department of Homeland Security of the United States, was denied by this. In the message of Fox News' American Renaissance has been called " anti-Semitic, anti- government and anti- ZOG " means. These accusations were firmly rejected by American Renaissance with reference to Jewish members and authors. It turned out later that the message from the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center came, and contained several errors and inaccuracies, according to its operator.
