American way

The American way of life (such as " American way of life ", formerly Americanism ) denotes a typical for the United States way of life and to make life. From the ' way of life ' of many other nations or regions of the world (eg Europe, Asia ) differs significantly, the American, even if most Americans have European ancestors. He draw by a pronounced individualism, love of freedom, trust in democratic life and forms of community and the pursuit of earthly happiness of ( pursuit of happiness ) or wealth (see: American Dream). There are numerous hypotheses or theories which factors have the American way of life favors or favor today.

Term use

The term stands for the idea that everyone - can dramatically improve their standard of living through determination, hard work and talent - regardless of its origin. In business, this concept is expressed by the belief that a competitive market promotes talent. In politics, it expresses the belief in the superiority of a liberal democracy based on a productive and economic growth. During the Cold War, the term was often used in the media as positive associations antonym to life ( sstandard ) of the population in the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union.

The term was and is - often with anti-American undertone - brought with as such perceived negative aspects of American culture in the context, for example, excessive consumption, pollution, exploitation of human labor as natural resources or mission.

President George W. Bush declared after 9/ 11, the American lifestyle is "not negotiable" ( "the ' way of life ' of the Americans is not negotiable ").
