
The Amikt, also humeral or just simply called shawl, is a rectangular cloth of white linen, wearing traditional Catholic priests and deacons in the celebration of the Albe; it should be worn if the alb does not close properly. It envelops the neck and shoulders and is tied with ribbons in front of the chest to prevent slipping. The General Introduction to the measuring book looks at No. 81 before c, that all of those in a alb can also use shoulder wrap and cincture; the use of a shoulder cloth is thus at least theoretically not limited to the clergy.

The white color of the shoulder cloth points together with the Albe baptism. There is liturgical and spiritual interpreted to special protection by God's grace that lies like a luminous shadow over the Christians; the application can therefore be accompanied with a prayer, as in Messordo of Regensburg: " Obumbra, Domine, caput meum obumbratione Sancti Spiritus ut valeam dignus eat sacris Misteriis " ( About Schatte, O Lord my main, with the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit, so that virtue to be worthy of the sacred mysteries ). At the same time Amikt is also for asking for God's protection

A Amikt the similar garment was common in ancient times, so wear example shown on Trajan's Column Roman legionaries a the Amikt / humeral like shawl.
