Amin Abu Rashid

Amin Abou Rashed (born 1967 ) is a Palestinian activist who has the Dutch nationality.

Rashed has been used by various foundations and activist groups for the Palestinian cause. In the past, he worked under the name of Amin Abou Ibrahim for the Dutch Al -Aqsa Foundation. This foundation has been associated with Hamas and since 2003 has been on the list of banned terrorist organizations. Rashed used connections to the Holy Land Foundation, an American organization that was accused in 2008 in the United States to fund Hamas. Rashed was with Mohammed Cheppih also active for the Palestinian Platform for Human Rights and Solidarity ( PPMS ). Rashed lost his arm in an earlier action against Israel.

In 2010, Amin Abou Rashed was as a crew member on board the ship " Mavi Marmara ", which was held up as part of a convoy to Gaza by the Israeli navy. He was next to the anthropologist Anne de Jong of the two crew members of Netherlands nationality. Rashed is according to a posting on the website of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the initiators of the European action for the breach of the blockade of the Gaza Strip and is regarded by the Israeli intelligence as " chief of the fundraiser for Hamas " in Western Europe.

When in June 2011, a second Gaza aid flotilla was, which was prevented by the Greek government from leaking, the Israeli prime July Joel Edelstein responded to a report of the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf:
