
Amina bint Wahb (Arabic آمنة بنت وهب, Amina bint Wahb DMG, † 577 ) was the daughter of Wahb ibn ʿ Abd Manaf. She married ʿ Abd Allāh ibn ʿ Abd al - Muttalib; from her marriage emerged Mohammed, the prophet of Islam.

Biography of the Prophet

Ibn Ishaaq reported by unspecified sources - " how people talk about it, but God knows best ... " that a vote of pregnant Amina had predicted the birth of the " Lord of this community," which they shall give the name of Muhammad. According to another legend, Muhammad ibn Sa ʿ d referenced by his teacher al - Waqidi, shall have one vote Amina told to call her son Ahmad. According to another report in Ibn Sa ʿ d is the newborn child al - Mahi " the absorber ", " the disposer " call, because God the (future) followers of Muhammad will cleanse them from their former sins through him.

Amina died towards 577, when Muhammad was six years old. Yaqut al - Hamawi are in his Geographical Dictionary of the three places where you suspect the grave of Amina.

Islamic tradition

In the earliest hadith collections, as in ʿ Abd al- Razzaq al- San ʿ ani, is repeatedly reported on the visit of Muhammad as a prophet on his mother's grave. In the presence of some of his companions he should, so have asked God for forgiveness for Amina the traditions. His intercession is not answered. This is - according to the interpretations of the Qur'an - have been the cause for the revelation of the following verse from the Qur'an:

"The Prophet and those who believe may (God ) does not ask for forgiveness for the pagans - even (not ) when it should be relatives ( of them) - after they ( finally ) it has become clear that it ( because of their be stubborn unbelief ) inmates of hell fire are. "

In some variants tradition with the continuation:

"And if (at the time ) asked for his ( pagan ) father for forgiveness Abraham, so ( he has ) only (done ) because of a promise he had (previously ) given to him. "

Thus, the mother of the prophet according to Islamic tradition remained pagan. Nevertheless, it can mainly Shi'ite literature Amina about miracles in connection with the birth of Muhammad report.

It should be noted that brought in some old traditions, like Muhammad ibn Sa ʿ d, the emergence of the above Quranic verses with the death of Abu Taalib ibn ʿ Abd al - Muttalib in context.

Modern Literature

The Egyptian author and Muslim scholar ʿ Ā ʾ isha ʿ Abd ar - Rahmaan (1913-1998), known by her pseudonym Bint Ash- Shati (the girl (from) the coast), the lives of the prophets mother in a popular novel " Umm an - Nabiyy ʿ alayhi as Salam, " the mother of the Prophet, peace be with him described in the series of writings about the wives of the Prophet Mohammed.

Pictures of Aminah
