Ammonium cyanide

Colorless solid with odor of ammonia


1.02 g · cm -3

Very slightly soluble in water


0.4 kJ / mol

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Ammonium cyanide is a chemical compound from the group of cyanides. There is the ammonium salt of prussic acid. In its pure form it is colorless, cubic crystals, the same smell of ammonia and hydrogen cyanide due to slow decomposition.

Production and representation

Ammonium cyanide can be produced by dry heating of Ammoniumhexacyanidoferrat ( II), ( NH4) 4 [Fe (CN ) 6] 3 · H 2 O or a mixture of potassium cyanide and ammonium chloride. With gentle heating in a water bath to melt the mixture and developed vaporous ammonium cyanide, which can be made with an ice -salt mixture to condense:

It also forms when passing dry ammonia over hot coals in a porcelain dish and collecting the cyanide in a cooled receiver.


Ammonium cyanide is under cooling undecomposed durable, while it decomposes noticeably in the air at ordinary temperatures. The vapor can ignite, it burns with a yellowish flame to ammonium carbonate. The aqueous solution of ammonium cyanide reacts alkaline. Ethanol is slightly more soluble than in water. With bromine and chlorine ammonium cyanide reacts with evolution of heat, it is oxidized by potassium permanganate directly to urea. Ammonium cyanide is similar toxic as hydrocyanic acid.

Ammonium cyanide crystallizes in a tetrahedral crystal system with space group P42/mcm.


All water- soluble cyanides are toxic, and they lead by blocking the enzyme cytochrome c oxidase in the respiratory chain to suffocation. When working with the substance gloves, dust mask and respirator are to use gas filter B. Furthermore, it should always be, if it is anticipated with the occurrence of hydrocyanic acid, be sure to work in a fume hood.


Ammonium cyanide should be kept cool and under strict exclusion of oxygen and moisture.
