
Amaunet (also Amunet, Amonet ) is an ancient Egyptian deity Egyptian mythology. It was represented as a woman wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt.

In the Ogdoad of Hermopolis Urgötterkreis Amaunet is regarded as the female counterpart of Amun, whereas it is represented in Thebes besides courage as a companion of Amun. It stands for protection and also embodies the air and northerly winds. At the same time it is seen as primal mother and Mother of Re as well as of Amun itself, since it is similar in that capacity, and in terms of their representation of the goddess Neith, is sometimes found also a Neith - Amaunet. Amaunet was added only at the beginning of the Late Period in the Egyptian gods system.

In the Greco-Roman period they have in common with Amun Chronokratin of the 17th and 18th Schemu II and is one of Dendera to the group of Mammisi deities.
