Amuzgo language

Spoken in

  • Otomangue Eastern Otomangue languages Mixtec - Amuzgo Amuzgo




Amuzgo ( Tzañcue, ñoomnda ) is an indigenous language in Mexico and four closely related to each other languages ​​, spoken by the ethnicity of the Amuzgo. It belongs to the language family of Otomangue languages.

Amuzgo is spoken according to the census of 2010 by more than 50,000 people in the Costa Chica in the states of Guerrero ( ñoomnda, 45 889 speakers) and Oaxaca ( tzañcue, 5,203 speakers). SIL International divides the Amuzgo into four individual languages.

Like the other Otomangue languages ​​is Amuzgo a tonal language, which means that the pitch or the Tonverlauf, with a syllable within a word is pronounced, is so important that a change of this, a word can give a new meaning.
