An Dro

The An Dro ( Breton: Rotation ) is a Breton -line or circle dance in 2/4 stroke from the region of Vannes. It is a common Branle Double with arm movements as a special feature. Its dynamics is based on the one - and outward turning of the arm movement under contained dancers.

If the danced An Dro at the beginning of the 20th century in a closed circuit, its modern form the open chain.

The An Dro has evolved through the folk revival to one of the famous Breton dances in Germany and is now danced in almost all regions of Brittany on the Festoù - noz. At the same time he heard throughout France as well as in parts of Germany to the standard repertoire of the Bal Folk.

Modern variations, sometimes in combination with other dances of the An Dro retourné and Dañs are jersey.

Starting position

You stand in line, the little fingers are hooked in those of neighbors, arms hanging at bottom hold (V- Position )

Basic Step

Branle Double left = left since since left-right easy and unencumbered right adjust -ran in the air (no kick or Preshoot ) - as if the foot takes a break

Branle Double right = against same steps here almost on the spot, what is overall a thriving due to the left and so also typical for the family of Branles.

Arm movements

In the motion to Branle double to left: common high- performing of the arms in an arc up to the shoulder, further lead to a small circle ( a ). Viewed from the side describes the hand a 9 During the return movement to Branle double to right: the arm movement is running in opposite directions, again describes the hand a 9
