Ana Mariscal

Ana Mariscal (actually Ana María Rodríguez Arroyo, born July 31, 1921 in Madrid, † March 28, 1995 ibid ) was a Spanish actress, director and writer.


Mariscal visited the Instituto Cervantes de Bachillerato and discovered by her brother, the actor and director Luis Arroyo, her love for the stage. At the age of 20, she made ​​her first film and was in the lead role of partner Alfredo Mayo in La reina de la florista. In the following decade Mariscal turned about twenty films, especially period films and melodramas, including Raza, which was written by Francisco Franco. Also dates from this time until 1982 it published novel Hombres.

The mid-1950s turned Mariscal much abroad, especially in Italy and Argentina; next she produced with her ​​husband founded the company Bosco film films in-house. By 1968 ebtstanden eleven films. She then returned to the stage and toured with La Compañia de Comedies Ana Mariscal in the Spanish-speaking world. In addition to occasional commitment to television, she turned one last film in 1987 and settled down in Madrid in 1992. She wrote and taught courses at the University of Valladolid.

Ana Mariscal was married to cinematographer Javier Valentín.

A few months before her death in 1995 she was awarded the Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes.




  • Cincuenta años de teatro en Madrid. Ed. Avapies, Madrid 1984.
  • Hombres. Ed. Avapies, Madrid 1982.
  • Mi vida. Ed. Astros, Madrid 1943.
  • Notas de una actriz. Conferencias y ensayos, Madrid 1992.