
The Anakreonteia ( Ανακρεόντεια, latin Anacreontea ) is an anonymous collection of Greek poems about love, wine, beautiful youths, Aphrodite, Cupids, Graces, Dionysus and spring from the 1st century BC to the 5th / 6th Century AD, which was compiled under the name of the Greek poet Anacreon.

The collection contains about 60 poems, including some Byzantine poet. They come from different eras, but depend on the style and theme by Anacreon.

The only manuscript that Anthologia Palatine ( Palatinus gr 23 from the 10th century ), was discovered in the mid 16th century and written by H. Stephen. This copy is now in Leiden. She has placed his editio princeps of 1554 Stephanus basis. It has long been the authoritative edition and contained selected odes in Latin translation. The next issue was worried by H. PREISENDANZ 1912. Today there are translations and adaptations in many languages ​​, which form the literary genre of the Anacreontics. A German translation of written Eduard Moerike (Stuttgart 1864), which was reissued in 1960.
