
The Anaphora (Greek Αναφορά " survey", lat repetitio ) is a musical- rhetorical figure and refers to a continuous repetition of a theme or character in several of the following sets that will bring the affect reprinting with it.


In the rhetoric of the anaphora is used to illustrate the importance of a theme.


" I have a dream, did one day ... I Have a Dream ... I Have A Dream ... "

"Yes we can ... Yes we can ... Yes we can ... "

In other definitions of anaphora or repetitio the affect reprinting the figure is mentioned.


Joachim Burmeister describes the anaphora as a repeating ornament, however, occurs only in the bass voice. " If this happens in multiple voices, it is called as, palillogia. '" John Nucius however, the anaphora explained even as a recurring theme in the same voice, but does not specify this.


In the Orthodox liturgy Anaphora refers to the Eucharistic Prayer.
