Anastasius Bibliothecarius

Anastasius Bibliothecarius († 879 ), as Anastasius III. in the year 855 a short time antipope, was a clergyman and church historian of the 9th century. His name means: the Risen (Greek )

Anastasius was appointed by Pope Leo IV cardinal priest of San Marcello, however, relieved of his duties in the year 850, and 853 excommunicated him be anathema. Supported by the party of the Emperor Lothar I, he tried as antipope against Benedict III. to say and let these to jail in September 855. Given the massive public opposition was Benedict III. However, freed and consecrated on 29 September 855.

Anastasius resigned himself to his defeat. In the year 867 he was appointed by Pope Hadrian II librarian of the Roman Church, which earned him the nickname Bibliothecarius.

Anastasius Bibliothecarius presented 873-875 a chronicle Chronographia tripartita, in Latin together, which was based on the Greek chronicles of Georgios Synkellos, Theophanes and the Patriarch Nicephorus.

Anastasius also concluded its run since the 6th century first edition of the Liber Pontificalis. Contrary to popular assertion that it contains no evidence of the existence of Pope Joan. Such an addendum in a Liber Pontificalis - manuscript in the Vatican, dated to the 13th century. He was probably written under the influence of Martin's chronicle of Opava and can not be regarded as a contemporary source.
