
Anaxo (Greek Ἀναξώ ) is a figure from Greek mythology.

She is the daughter of Alcaeus, king of Tiryns, who is a son of Perseus and Andromeda. When her mother is depending on tradition Hipponome, the daughter of Menoikeus, Astydameia, the daughter of Pelops, or Laonome, the daughter of Guneus called. Her brother is Amphitryon.

Anaxo marries Electryon, the brother of her father and king of Mycenae and Midea. Together they have ten children: Alcmene, mother of Heracles, and the nine sons Strato Bates, Gorgophonos, Phylonomos, Kelaineus, Amphimachus, Lysinomos, Cheirimachos, Anaktor and Archelaus.


  • Libraries of Apollodorus 2, 4, 5
  • Pausanias: Description of Greece, 8, 14, 2