Anchovy (food)

Anchovies, anchovies or Anchois (of equivalent Spanish anchoa ) is another name for the European anchovy ( Engraulis encrasicolus ).

This refers two different counting the anchovies fish products in the kitchen language:

  • Anchovies filleted, salted and fermented in the southern and central European cuisine are extensively used as a seasoning ingredient (see also garum, fish sauce, soy sauce). These anchovies mature sometimes over two years and have a crumbly consistency. Because of their intense flavor and high salt content, they are not intended for direct human consumption. From them also anchovy paste.
  • Sprats, which are weaker salted (partly using pickling salt ) and with spices or herbs also fermented and belong to the Northern European and especially the Scandinavian cuisine. This ( fake ) anchovies from Skarpsill (Baltic sprat, Sprattus sprattus balticus ) mature a few weeks. Their flavor is much milder and more reminiscent of young herring. You are frestelse as so-called ansjovis eg an important part of the popular Swedish court Jansson. Inserted Sweet and sour they are also consumed among others in Denmark as appetitsild directly.

Where a recipe anchovies listed without further comment, it is - to avoid confusion - important to note the origin of the recipe and the quantities as anchovies anchovy anchovy and sprat from can not replace each other.

Anchoïade is a Anchoviszubereitung of French cuisine.

  • Edible fish
  • Fish product