Ancient Egyptian royal titulary#Horus name

The Horus name is one of the five names in the ancient Egyptian Königstitular. Until the 4th dynasty, this was the only name of the King ( Pharaoh ) in pre-and early dynastic period. It is based on the belief that the ruler in his lifetime the distant sky god ( Falk symbol ) represents Horus on earth; since the end of the Old Kingdom the king is connected with the Osiris myth.


The name of rulers is written in a Serech, a rectangle on which perched a hawk. The lower part of the rectangle is the Royal Palace facade decorated ( " palace façade " ), the upper part symbolizes the yard or the house and in the open area, the name of the ruler. The name " Horus name " derives from the person sitting on the Serech Horus falcon.

For about Mentuhotep II makes the meaning of this name, and finds in official inscriptions is now turning more throne the name of the regent. The Horus name is to Antoninus Pius ( 138-161 AD) occupied.
