Ancistrocerus gazella

Ancistrocerus gazella

Ancistrocerus gazella is a type of the order Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera ) within the solitary wasps ( Eumeninae ).


The wasps reach a body length of 7 to 12 mm. Your body is yellow- black. The second sternite laterally considered only weakly angled and not concave. From below the Basalrippen are of equal length. The sixth tergite is usually dyed black. The transverse edge on the first tergite has a flat bulge. Can be distinguished from some other species of the genus Ancistrocerus, especially Ancistrocerus parietum the type difficult.


The species occurs in North Africa and Southern Europe to Central Sweden. They inhabited different habitats with sunny nesting opportunities, regularly near the people ( Synanthropie ). The animals fly in two generations from early May to late October. They count in Central Europe the most common solitary wasps.

Way of life

The females of Allodynerus gazella fly even in bad weather. They build their nests in cavities, such as in stems, wall cracks, Käferbohrgängen, etc.. Are ideal pass-through diameter of 3.5 to 5 millimeters. Each nest usually consists of one to two, rarely three to four cells. Cells with females are much larger and are usually applied in cavities with more space. The walls between the cells are built with a very fine, clayey mortar. Often a transition region ( Attrium ) is created behind the end wall of the nest, which can be up to seven inches long. The brood is supplied with the smaller caterpillars butterflies. Approximately eight to ten days after oviposition, the larvae are fully developed and the stored food supplies consumed. You build a yellowish white cocoon, which consists of an outer and an inner shell. The outer cocoon is used to keep food residues and the separate pre-construction feces from the inner cocoon. The pupal period is at least one month. The species is parasitized by the Commons gold wasp ( Chrysis ignita ).

