And Along Come Tourists

And Along Come Tourists is a German feature film from the year 2007. Director Robert Thalheim The processed therein own experiences as a community service in the 1990s, when he performed his service in the Peace Education Division of the International Youth Meeting Center in Auschwitz. The film stars Alexander Fehling as civilians occupy Sven and Ryszard Ronczewski as concentration camp survivor Stanislaw Krzeminski. The film opened on 16 August 2007 in the German cinemas.


The 19 -year-old community service workers Sven verschlägt it to the Polish city Oswiecim, known under the name of Auschwitz. There he is to work in an international meeting center and take care especially to the elderly concentration camp survivor Krzemiński. The ratio of the two is distant. Sven has a hard time coping with the grumpy and taciturn old man. Nevertheless, he accompanied these lectures, holds the Krzemiński as a witness before school classes, and a certain rapprochement between the two begins. Parallel Sven learns the young interpreter and museum guide Ania know. When it becomes unbearable for Sven to stay with the old Krzemiński together, he prefers to Ania. The two grow closer. At the same time developed Sven also a growing sympathy for Mr. Krzeminski being treated disrespectfully, among others at a memorial service and one of its tasks, restoring old inmate case for the museum, is to be withdrawn. Sven tries in vain to stand up for him, and Krzemiński closes down opposite him.

As Ania announces to go for training as an interpreter for the European Union in Brussels, Sven is disappointed and packs his bags. Determined to departure and arrived at the station, he, however, a new group of tourists who wants to see the memorial encountered. The film ends with Sven the tour group follows back to the community center, as it provides the location and sprachunkundigen teacher. Whether he continues his service or again come together with Ania, remains as open as the other relative to Krzemiński.


Robert Thalheim called as a model for the project Alain Resnais ' film Hiroshima, mon amour, which was told through his love story, a historical trauma. Thalheim was even Zivildienstleistender for Action Reconciliation Service for Peace in Auschwitz. The film's title was taken from a poem of the same band Björn Kuhligks.


" The autobiographical film copes with his touchy subject with playful ease and at the same time with great earnestness. The outstanding lead actor and the camera sophisticated staging condense far from all Betroffenheitsplatitüden a lesson about a possible German -Polish normality. "

"Of course Robert Thalheim is essential to its credit, it would widen dramatically just not his story, no music pours sauce over Auschwitz and celebrates no large gestures of reconciliation. The director is, fortunately, too intelligent and the budget too low. The film presents no allegations that he stays with the small observations, the open end, and thus on the safe terrain of everyday realism in German cinema. "


Along Come Tourists came with six other films shortlisted for the German Oscar submission in the category Best Foreign Language Film. Selection was finally Fatih Akin's film on the other side. At the award ceremony of the German Film Award 2008 Robert Thalheim's work as a director was nominated in the category of Best Film. Alexander Fehling received for his role in the Young German Cinema Award in the category of drama. The film was released in August 2007 "Movie of the Month" of the Protestant Film Jury. 2011 was Robert Thalheim for the film under the Grimme Award ceremony, the Eberhard -Fechner scholarship VG Bild-Kunst.
