Andean Spanish

Under the andinem Spanish means the registered varieties of Spanish that are to be found mainly in the Andes from Colombia to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and northern Chile and northwestern Argentina. The Spanish in the Andes differs from ordinary Castellano inasmuch as it was in the course of time (especially Quechua and Aymara ), strongly influenced by indigenous languages. There are a variety of varieties, which are to be distinguished clearly not by political or other boundaries and often flow into one another.

  • 2.1 Indianismen
  • 2.2 archaisms
  • 2.3 nautical terms


A Quechuismus refers to the application of a Quechuawortes in the Spanish language context. Quechuismen are most common in the Quechua - speaking world, are also spoken in adjacent areas. Mostly Quechuismen for particularly typical phenomena or objects are used, for which there is no corresponding translations in Spanish either or but far too imprecise descriptions.

According change the Quechua words in Spanish

Shift in emphasis

The majority of borrowings from the Quechua retain their paroxytonen (or interjections in the oxytonen ) accent in Spanish.

1 Acento agudo:

Especially on -i -ending words have a oxytone Akzuentierung.

2 Acento esdrújulo:

It is formed by:

A) supply a gleichtonigen Gleitvokals

B ) Attach one or more letters at the end of a word

Suffixes of the Quechua in Spanish

Nominal derivational suffixes

The most common suffix is the nominal derivational - ( derived from the noun ) suffix -NA. When it adheres to a verb, it points to a location out of which one does something - or on the article plays an important role.

According to Soto Ruiz, the suffix -NA the following properties:


Regionalisms are terms that are used regionally restricted in a language area and are well known.

For example, is understood through a semantic development only in Chile as " slum " the Spanish word " Callampa " (fungus).

National Quechuismen

These Quechuismen are words that are made ​​and distributed socially acceptable particularly through appropriate media ( advertising, press, radio, television, textbooks ) in the country, since they refer to a typical local feature. Therefore, the knowledge transmitted via national Quechuismen some actually on the border.

Nationwide Quechuismen

Terms in this category are widely in the Andes or in use everywhere.

Pankontinentale Quechuismen

Pankontinentale Quechuismen are to be found throughout, Spanish-speaking part of South America and are considered eg in Europe as a typical South African terms. The wide acceptance of these words looks Siebenäuger due to the fact that they usually call for the Quechua -speaking characteristic animals or plants. As another reason he calls the simple structuring of words beyond simply have a good sound.

Change in meaning

If you become the Spanish language only a few Quechua words lose their original meaning.

Examples of Quechuismen

The following are some typical examples of Quechuismen be enumerated:

  • "Alpaca " → South American camel shape
  • " Coca " → term for the Andean coca shrub, or for its dried leaves
  • " Cóndor " → term that is mostly used for the Andean Condor
  • " Inca " → indigenous culture of South America
  • " Mate" → denotes the Mate - shrub, but also in South America widespread Aufgussgetränk
  • "Grandpa " → referred to in parts of South America someone with low intellect
  • " Pachamanca " → Peruvian national dish
  • " Papa " → word for " potato "
  • "Puma" → North and South American cat species
  • " Zapallo " → "Pumpkin "


Peruanismen are words and phrases that occur in the spoken language of Peru.


These are words which have been received by the influence of Native American languages ​​in the Latin American Spanish. In most cases, there are certain words for everyday objects, customs or food.


Archaisms are words that came with the Spaniards to Latin America, but nowadays only rarely be applied in Spain itself.

Nautical terms

Originally it was here around the jargon of the Spanish sailors. Over time, these terms are entered into the general vocabulary, but have frequently, the initial importance lost.

Media Lengua

The Media Lengua is a phenomenon that has arisen in the course of the integration of Castellano in the Andean region.

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